Bienvenue dans notre centre d'assistance

Here are some details about the waitlist:

  • Your application has not been pre-approved for funding. However, if additional funds become available, you will be contacted at that time and will have 5 business days to confirm that you would like to proceed with the pre-approval process at that time.
  • It can take a few months to hear back again after being added to the waitlist.
  • If you would like to hire an intern while waiting, you can.
  • Please note that Career Launcher cannot guarantee that applications on the waitlist will progress to the pre-approval process. If you have decided to hire an intern at your risk while your application is on the waitlist, please make sure that the intern is eligible according to the internship program’s interns eligibility criteria as only eligible interns will be allowed to participate in the program.
  • Once all funding is allocated, you will be informed and withdrawn from the waitlist at that time.

Should you like an update on your place in the waitlist or if you want to withdraw your application from the waitlist, please email

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